Jonathan Smith’s life has been one of courage, commitment, resilience, and renewal. His story embraces more than just him; it involves the hundreds of lives he has touched, and in return, have shaped him into who he is today: A steadfast Border Patrol Agent, benevolent chaplain, inspiring keynote speaker, and IBO.

The challenge of becoming a Marine appealed to Jonathan and he enlisted after high school. His 28 years of active and reserve service included Desert Shield and Desert Storm. After a serious injury, Jonathan retired from the Marines in 2018. Although he had dabbled in building an Amway business in earlier days, he didn’t commit to it until something he read motivated him to call the Corporation in 2012. He was reconnected with his original Upline, Greg Duncan. Jonathan says, “The rest is history. Greg and I talk regularly. Beyond guiding me in building my business, he helped me find my faith again and supported my desire to be a Chaplain. He also introduced me to John Maxwell.” Maxwell is an author and speaker who has written several books on leadership. One of his book titles, Be a People Person, discusses the benefits of being a clear communicator and empathetic listener. Jonathan practices both as a Father/Grandfather, Agent, Chaplain, and IBO. He enjoys bringing people together, whether it be pastors from different denominations, agents across the country, or IBOs near and far.

As a Chaplain, Jonathan handles traumatic incident response, and more recently joined the Border Patrol’s new resilience division to provide Border Patrol Agents with effective tools to deal with the day-to-day traumas and difficulties faced by Law Enforcement. “It’s important to build these programs now – my hope is that they carry on long after I retire.”  Jonathan’s keynote speeches address civic organizations, community pastors, or high school graduates, on topics such as leadership, communication, and planning for the future. Having good relationships with all the pastors in the community provides opportunities for him to help in unique ways, as he did for the Commander of the local American Legion post. She needed a military funeral service in two days for a sailor and Jonathan was miraculously able to arrange it.

“I’ve learned a lot as a Marine and a Border Patrol Agent, but when I consider what’s made the biggest difference in my life, it’s the people.” Being an IBO has made Jonathan realize: “People helping people. Giving back. That’s what this Business is all about. Everything I am today is because of the people I met through Amway.”